Podiatry Services
Podiatry is your go-to for any injury or condition that affects your feet or legs. We assess, diagnose and successfully treat all foot or leg pains and skin or nail conditions. We also perform foot health checks and walking or running assessments.
At The Movement Centre, we do Podiatry different. We like to put ourselves in your shoes by considering how we would like to be treated were the shoe on our foot (puns intended). We pride ourselves on getting to know you and getting to the bottom of your presenting issue. We also use the latest in medical technology to treat those stubborn conditions that don’t respond to traditional treatments. Check out some of our services to see how we can be of service to you.
Heel Pain
Pain in the heel of the foot is an extremely common problem that we see every day and have successfully resolved in thousands of Sydneysiders. Heel pain can range from mildly annoying and when left untreated can be disabling and cause severe pain.
View Heel Pain ServicesOrthotics
Orthotics are custom made or custom fitted inserts that are made and fit into your shoes. They are used to treat a wide range of biomechanical problems and foot pains ranging from Plantar Fasciitis and Mortons Neuroma to Lower back and Knee pain.
View Orthotics ServicesFlat Feet
Flat feet, medically referred to as Pes Planus is a condition that affects a large percentage of the population. Its effect can varu greatly, it can be both completely non symptomatic or an important piece of a puzzle causing pain in the feet and legs. It refers to the feet overpronating or “rolling in” when standing or walking and the subsequent collapse of the natural arch of the foot.
VIEW Flat Feet SERVICESBunions
Bunions occur when the alignment of the big toe changes, forming a bony bump that protrudes out from the inside edge of the foot. They can be generally painful, unsightly, and problematic when it comes to fitting them in shoes.
VIEW Bunions SERVICESSwift Microwave Therapy
Plantar warts can be a source of pain and embarrassment and often require time-consuming treatments that span months to years. Plantar warts are viral growths that can appear anywhere on the sole of the foot.
VIEW Swift Microwave Therapy SERVICESFoot and Leg Assessments
Foot and leg assessments, otherwise known as Biomechanical Assessments, help us as podiatrists to understand why you may be experiencing pain or not functioning at your best. These foot and leg assessments look at your mechanics from the foot up and identify how your foot function is affecting the rest of your body. Similarly, they identify how problems higher up (eg. at the pelvis), are impacting on your foot or leg pain.
VIEW Foot and Leg Assessments SERVICESPlantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciosis is a foot injury that can cause pain in the heel, arch or ball of the foot. Pain experiences can be diverse, ranging from a mild ache to a sharp and debilitating pain. Typically, this pain will be present whilst taking the first few steps in the morning or upon walking after sitting for some time. It is the single most common cause of heel pain and one of the most common conditions that we treat at The Movement Centre.
VIEW Plantar Fasciitis SERVICESIngrown Toenail Surgery
Toenail surgeries treat the most recurrent, stubborn and problematic of ingrown toenails. Our team providing Randwick Podiatry services at the Movement Centre are experienced at performing the most up to date, minimally invasive ingrown toenail surgeries.
VIEW Ingrowing Toenail Surgery SERVICESSports Podiatry
The feet and legs are the most commonly injured area for people participating in running and sports. As physically active podiatrists ourselves we know first-hand the frustration injuries cause. Therefore we recognise the importance of helping you get back to your best as quickly as possible, as well as minimising injury risk in the uninjured.
VIEW Sports Podiatry SERVICESRunning Assessments
A podiatry running assessment strives to analyse the movement and alignment of each element of your body and understand your individual movement pattern. Through this we are able to identify additional factors that may be contributing to your foot pain, leg injury or impaired performance.
VIEW Running Assessments SERVICESSkin & Toenail Services
It’s important to maintain healthy skin and nails of the foot and lower leg. We provide services for skin & toenail Podiatry including
Ingrown, toenails, Corns & calluses, Cracked heels, Tinea, Warts, Blisters, Fungal nails & Black toenails.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a treatment modality used in Podiatry which utilities acupuncture needles. Needles are inserted into myofacial trigger points. In trained hands, Podiatry dry needling is an effective and safe technique for treating myofascial pain and dysfunction.
VIEW Dry Needling SERVICESPlantar Warts
Plantar warts exist in the outer skin layers on the foot. Three strains of Human Papillomavirus can cause them, the virus can spread within the affected person or to others. For this reason, many choose wart removal by a Podiatrist as their first line of treatment.
VIEW Plantar Warts SERVICESKnee Pain
Knee pain is a common complaint treated by podiatrists. The onset of knee pain from traumatic injury as well as overuse can benfit from podiatry services, utilising functional and biomechaincal adjustemnts through orthotics, exercise or activity modifications.
VIEW Knee Pain SERVICESBall of Foot Pain
As the balls of your feet are made up of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves, there are a range of possible diagnoses for your pain. The medical term for pain in this area is ‘metatarsalgia’ which is not a diagnosis in itself, rather an umbrella term for any and all types of pain in the ball of the foot.
VIEW Ball of Foot Pain SERVICES
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At your local Movement Centre in Randwick, Sydney you can easily book an appointment online, call us or send us an email at info @ movementcentre.co to check how we can help you become a healthier version of you.
We have a HICAPS terminal for fast on the spot processing of private health insurance claims. Our appointments are not covered by medicare, however if you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your doctor then we can process your medicare rebate in the practice following payment of the relevant appointment fee.
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