Pricing & Rebates
At The Movement Centre we are proud to offer a team of professionally trained therapists who are registered with accredited associations. We currently offer a range of different treatments.
We Use
Movement Centre therapists are registered with all participating private health funds, with the use of the HICAPS terminal our clients have the convenient option of claiming the private health fund rebate on the spot, leaving you with only the gap to pay.
Our appointments are not covered by medicare. If you have a doctors referal for Medicare’s Chronic Disease management Plan Scheme, then you can claim the rebate by photographing and uploading the paid receipt to your medicare app.
Your First Appointment: Initial appointments are $140. Select this appointment type if you are new to the practice, or are an existing patient with a new issue.
Follow up appointments are $115. Select this appointment type if you are wanting to see your physio for a return visit.
Short Appointments are $40. A 10-minute appointment for existing clients only. Short appointments are used for taping, progress checks, or similar purposes not requiring full standard appointment duration. Select this appointment if advised by your physiotherapist.
Regular appointments (for clarification talk to one of our friendly staff members).
We understand that some conditions do better with more regular physio input – especially in the initial stages of acute injury or post-surgery. We are aware there is a reputation for over-servicing in some aspects of the physio-world. At The Movement Centre if your condition requires you to see us more than once a week, our prices are lower – as we never want financial incentives to come between you and your healthcare.
We understand having children is a labour of love and does not come cheaply. So, we offer an $90 flat rate for all kids aged 16 years and under. Simply select the appropriate appointment type required, initial or standard and we will do the rest.
These appointments are designed to help you by preventing and treating any aches and pains as well as identifying abnormalities in your foot and leg function. Our podiatrists will assess your foot and leg mechanics and provide strategies to help you minimise damage to your body.
This is where we assess your suitability for foot orthotics and design comfortable orthotics to suit your shoes. We make foot orthotics for running shoes, dress shoes, cycling shoes, soccer/football boots, ski and snowboard boots and more.
The skin and nails on your feet deserve attention, whether they are painful or not. In this appointment our podiatrists address everything from cosmetic foot issues to ingrowing toenails, corns, callouses, cracked heels and plantar warts. We can even assess your suitability for minor surgery such as ingrowing toenail surgery.
This is one of the most effective and least invasive treatments for toenail fungus available. It is a great alternative to toxic drugs or ineffective applied solutions.In this appointment we can discuss all treatment options available and help you to decide if this is the right treatment for you.
The most effective treatment available for plantar warts. No down time, no dressings. It can treat single warts or multiple. Come in to try SWIFT wart removal with one of our experienced practitioners.
This treatment is fantastic for muscle, tendon and fascia injuries. It is particularly useful for those that have stubborn injuries that have not resolved from other treatments. In this appointment we will assess your injury for its suitability for shockwave treatment and treat immediately once the assessment has been complete.
Our experienced musculoskeletal podiatrists have completed additional post-grad training so that they can provide you with this service. Our podiatrists use dry needling to release trigger points and to assist with healing of acute and chronic injuries. This is usually not an initial appointment, but performed after recommendation in our Sports Podiatry, Biomechanics or Injury appointment OR an Orthotic Consultation.
This is a hands on treatment where we mobilise and manipulate the 26 bones and 33 joints that make up your foot and ankle. There are many injuries that are exacerbated by malalignment of bones or stiffness in the joints of the foot. Mobilisations are a quick, safe, comfortable and effective way of realigning bones and freeing up joints to ensure they can move properly when you’re standing, walking and running.
Ingrowing toenails or thickened toenails need not be a problem for life. Our experienced therapists can resolve your toenail issues by using surgery and a chemical cauterisation for permanent results.
Annual foot assessments are necessary for people with type 1 and 2 diabetes. In this appointment we will assess your sensation, blood flow, foot mechanics and check for any risk factors that would predispose you to future harm. We will write a report with assessment results and our recommendations and distribute to your GP and endocrinologist.
We understand that there are reasons that some people cannot visit the clinic. Whether it be that you’ve had surgery or that you are elderly and find it difficult to leave home, we are happy to help.
Recovery Sessions
30 minute NormaTec Recovery Session $30
45 minute session including NormaTec Recovery and customized massage gun treatment $70
60 minute session including NormaTec Recovery, customized massage gun treatment and targeted stretching $100

The best project you'll
ever work on is you.
Call us on
(02) 9067 7100
At your local Movement Centre in Randwick, Sydney you can easily book an appointment online, call us or send us an email at info @ to check how we can help you become a healthier version of you.
We have a HICAPS terminal for fast on the spot processing of private health insurance claims. Our appointments are not covered by medicare, however if you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your doctor then we can process your medicare rebate in the practice following payment of the relevant appointment fee.
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