ACL Rehab Physio Exercises

Prehab Physio

ACL Rehab Physio Treatment After Surgery

Physiotherapy treatment is an integral part of any successful ACL surgical outcome. Ultimately much of the success of knee surgery relies heavily on the patient’s dedication to any of the prescribed ACL rehab Physio exercises and the physiotherapist prescribing them. Orthopaedic surgeons will typically have their own rehabilitation protocols outlining the specifics on how they wish the ACL rehab physio process to be undertaken. This is a journey lasting ‪around 9-12‬ months, ultimately finishing up when all pre-injury activity targets have been achieved. Although the protocol is frequently laid out like a recipe, just as any top chef worth one’s salt, a good physio will know when and how to tweak the recipe for best results.

Don’t Delay Starting Your ACL Rehab Physio Sessions

Getting a head start through starting any post-surgical ACL rehab Physio sessions early, beginning treatment in the first day or two after surgery is a great way to ensure a good outcome. Thankfully these days we hardly ever come across what could be regarded as an unsuccessful ACL surgical outcome. But if we do there is a pretty good chance there was a delay following surgery for one reason or another in the patient getting started on their rehab. The importance of early loading, movement, and muscle activation cannot be stressed enough. It seems simple enough yet getting it right from the start can really help launch a patient’s recovery and help them hit their protocol targets at the right time. Helping guarantee both a successful and timely outcome.

Starting The ACL Rehabilitation Journey

Initially post-surgical ACL rehab Physio treatment in the first couple of weeks focuses around reducing swelling, appropriate muscle activation, gait re-education and increasing range of movement. Quickly focus moves from addressing swelling and stiffness towards regaining postural control, strength, and neuromuscular control. All of which must be restored prior to returning to sport. At The Movement Centre our Randwick Physio team love being a part of this journey, helping patients get back to their absolute best.

Disclaimer: The Movement Centre provides this information as an educational service. The information contained on this website and in this blog is not intended to serve as or replace actual medical advice. Anyone seeking specific advice or assistance should consult their local Randwick Physio, general practitioner, medical specialist, or otherwise appropriately skilled practitioner.