Category Archives: Skin and Nail

At The Movement Centre our Randwick Podiatry team have a wealth of experience with treating all manor of skin and nail conditions. We understand that many of our skin and nail clientele will seek help wanting relief from a painful condition, some will have a purely cosmetic reason for booking with us, and many will be both. Regardless of the reason, rest assured our Randwick Podiatry team have successfully helped people just like you in the past, and are more than ready to attend to your specific needs.

How To Avoid Sore Feet this Holiday Season

How To Avoid Sore Feet this Holiday Season

Podiatry Tips For Looking After Your Sore Feet Now that Summer is quickly approaching, I have no doubt there are plenty of us preparing for our long awaited post-Covid holiday. If this is your first getaway in quite some time, the last thing you want to run into is foot problems. Here is a quick […]

Ingrown nails – Do You Need Nail Surgery?

Ingrown Nails - Do You Need Nail Surgery?

Podiatry and painful nails Have you suffered from ingrown nails before? If you have, you’ll know just how painful they can be. For some people, ingrown nails can be so excruciating that they affect your ability to walk and put pressure on your toe. For something that seems so small, they certainly can be a […]

Fungal Nails Thickened And Discoloured Nails

Fungal Nails Thickened And Discoloured Nails

Do you have yellow / white thickened nails? Do you have discoloured, thickened nails? It could be a fungal infection (onychomycosis)! Whether this is something you’ve noticed over the last week, or something that has been present for many years Fungal nails may appear in a number of ways. Most notably a yellow/ white discolouration […]

It Is Approaching Chilblains Season

It Is Approaching Chilblains Season

What are Chilblains? As we slowly get closer to the colder months here in Sydney, Australia, it is important to prepare yourself for the change in weather and understand some of the common conditions that can come with it! Chilblains is a condition that involves reduced blood circulation as a result of exposure to cold, […]

10 Facts about SWIFT Plantar Wart Treatment

10 Facts about SWIFT Plantar Wart Treatment

SWIFT plantar wart treatment for managing stubborn verucas SWIFT plantar wart treatment is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of veruca management, and for good reason! SWIFT uses microwave energy to treat plantar warts Microwave energy generates heat within water molecules inside the wart tissue, and penetrates up to a depth of 5mm. […]

Do You Have Crooked Toes?

Do You Have Crooked Toes?

Crooked Toes, Deformed Toes, Call Them What You Want Are you dealing with crooked toes? Do you have toes that are abnormally shaped, facing sideways or sticking up into your shoes? It’s not as uncommon as you think! Toe deformities come in many different shapes and sizes, and are dealt with by people from all […]