Common Children’s Foot Problems

Common Children's Foot Problems

Common Reasons Parents Take Their Kids To See A Podiatrist

As a podiatrist, we often see children for a wide range of concerns! Given the fact that children go through so many milestones and develop in many different ways, there are plenty of things that can go wrong. In this blog I’ll be covering some of the most common children’s foot problems we see in the clinic on a weekly basis.

Children’s Foot Problems In-Toeing (pigeon-toed)

This refers to children’s feet that are turned inwards when they walk. This may happen for a number of reasons and usually occurs whilst children are learning how to balance/ in the early stages of walking. In most cases in-toeing will resolve itself as the child develops, but if you notice them frequently tripping or having problems with walking, it will be important to visit a podiatrist. If you notice your child sits in the ‘W’ position, it likely could be contributing to in-toeing and should be avoided.

Children’s Foot Problems Out-Toeing (Duck/ Penguin Walking)

Out-toeing refers to children’s feet facing outward while they walk. This can occur due to tight and weak muscles, as well as pronated feet and joint laxity. Often a simple program with stretching and strengthening exercises can help improve your child’s gait. If you find that their out-toeing causes an asymmetrical gait or problems with balance and support, I’d recommend visiting your local podiatrist for an assessment.

Toe Walking

When children constantly walk on their tippy-toes, we classify this as toe walking. In some cases toe walking can be a serious medical condition – often linked to neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy. Although, many children will have developed toe walking from tight, high-tone muscles and heightened sensation in their feet. I would strongly recommend you visit your local podiatrist for a full assessment of your child’s toe-walking to assure an accurate diagnosis

Children’s Foot Problems Ingrown Nails

Ingrown nails can occur in children of all ages, even those a few weeks old! Children’s nails are soft and rip easily, often puncturing the surrounding skin and causing pain. You may find this occurring if your kid wears tight shoes, picks their nails, stubbs their toe, or was born with involuted nails. If your child experiences ingrown nails, visiting a podiatrist will be essential in order for us to remove the area of the nail and to give instructions on how to manage the affected area over the following weeks. This may include frequent antiseptic and dressing use.

Growing Pains

From birth to adulthood, children are constantly growing, developing and going through a number of milestones. These include:
  • Lying → Sitting → Crawling → Standing → Cruising → Walking → Hopping, Jumping & Running
In most cases, growing pains are natural and are more a sign of recently increased activity. Often these pains will manage themselves, although if you are concerned I would advise you book an appointment with your local podiatrist. We will be able to assess for issues relating to muscle tightness, hypermobility, soft tissue injuries and gait concerns. The issues listed are only a small number of children’s conditions we manage on a daily basis. If you think your child is struggling with foot concerns, be sure to book an appointment at The Movement Centre today. Our podiatrists are experts of all foot and leg conditions, treating patients of all ages. We would be happy to get you or your child back on your feet pain-free.
Disclaimer: The Movement Centre provides this information as an educational service. The information contained on this website and in this blog is not intended to serve as or replace actual medical advice. Anyone seeking specific advice or assistance should consult their local Randwick Physio, general practitioner, medical specialist, or otherwise appropriately skilled practitioner.