Sports Physiotherapy
Sports Physio At The Movement Centre
At the Movement Centre all our physiotherapists have extensive experience treating athletes and wannabe athletes following injury or surgery. As a sports physio another role we have is working with patients in assisting individuals with the goal of preventing injury in the first place.
As a Randwick sports physio our goal is not only about getting you back on the field but a large part of the care is targeted at working to prevent future injury through restoring and where necessary improving the strength, flexibility or endurance so you can return to sport safely having experienced the shortest possible layoff.
Being a Randwick sports physio means you must first think about prevention of injury for our clients and in the unfortunate event of someone sustaining an injury then when necessary the evaluation of an injury and any necessary protection of the injured tissue to aid recovery is paramount. At The Movement Centre physiotherapists are skilled at the application of appropriately timed treatment to restore or improve any necessary flexibility of the joint or soft tissues coupled identifying the necessary prescription of strength, postural control, or muscle-imbalance intervention. Ultimately, a good sports physio aim is to enhance an athlete’s performance, aid recovery from injuries, whilst providing tailored education, equipment, and technique adjustments with exercise prescription to prevent future injury.
A Randwick Sports Physio Requires A Detailed Understanding Of The Specific Sports Demands
The Movement Centre physiotherapists goals when working with clients needing a Randwick sports physio is for the athlete to return to play as quickly and most importantly as safely as possible. Working with them to help them achieve their pre-injury level and where possible helping them improve on their pre-injury performance levels. A Randwick sport physio requires skilled methods of evaluating injuries, strong treatment and rehabilitation skills as well as an intimate understanding of the specific demands of the sport and the bio-mechanics involved. At The Movement Centre our physiotherapist have a wide variety of sporting backgrounds so we are well placed to provide elite level care across many different codes.
At The Movement Centre We Provide Treatment For Professionals To The Weekend Warrior
The Movement Centre’s physio team is committed to the management of injuries resulting from the participation in exercise and sports regardless of the athletes age or ability. We understand the positive and addictive role exercise plays in many people’s lives and our ultimate focus is on getting or clients back moving as safely and soon as possible. At The Movement Centre we see the role of a sports physio as part of a team and are experienced at working as part of an integrated approach enjoying liaising closely with any necessary coaches, trainers, Sports Physicians, Orthopedic Surgeons and other allied health practitioners so everyone is on the same page. This enhances the rehabilitation process and ensures everyone is working together to achieve the best outcomes for you. Our own obsession with sport, coupled with our interest in functional biomechanics and years of experience makes The Movement Centre the go to place for all your Randwick sports physio needs.

The best project you'll
ever work on is you.
Call us on
(02) 9067 7100
At your local Movement Centre in Randwick, Sydney you can easily book an appointment online, call us or send us an email at info @ to check how we can help you become a healthier version of you.
We have a HICAPS terminal for fast on the spot processing of private health insurance claims. Our appointments are not covered by medicare, however if you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your doctor then we can process your medicare rebate in the practice following payment of the relevant appointment fee.
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