Hands On Treatment
Hands On Physio At The Movement Centre
Physiotherapy is a form of therapy directed at treating physical conditions causing pain, or limitation to mobility and lifestyle. The goal of a hands on Physio is to relieve pain, assisting individuals resume their normal daily activities whatever they may be.
Hands On Physio Is A Multifaceted Approach
At The Movement Centre our hands on Physio team use manual therapy techniques, targeted therapeutic exercise programs and education among other things to provide fast and effective rehab for many common conditions:
- Back and Neck Pain
- Sports injuries
- Post surgical rehab
- Headache
- Sprains and strains
- Overuse injury
- Tendinopathy
Physiotherapy Is Backed By A Strong Research Base
Physiotherapy is a well-established profession backed by a strong research base. At The Movement Centre our hands on Physio team are experienced in working closely with other health professionals and non-medical professionals such as Personal Trainers and sporting coaches to help achieve the best result for our clients.
Hands On Physio Improves Physical Function
All treatments sessions at The Movement Centre are one to one. A typical manual therapy Physio session will include assessment and diagnosis of the issue followed with appropriate treatment, with the goal in mind of promoting, restoring or improving physical comfort and function.
Physiotherapy Is A Well-Respected Profession
Clinical skills and understanding are continually being updated and developed according to latest research and evidence. This continual scientific challenging of physiotherapy assessment and treatment strategies helps hold the profession in such high regard within the greater medical profession.
What Is A Musculoskeletal Physio?
A Musculoskeletal physio utilises excellent assessment and diagnosis skills and they have available in their arsenal a broad range of treatment techniques. At The Movement Centre, experience has shown us that manual therapy Physio using targeted exercise prescription and education, coupled with manual therapy achieves the best outcomes. All our hands on Physio team appreciate that treatment is most effective when built on sound knowledge base and a solid clinical reasoning platform.
The best project you'll
ever work on is you.
Call us on
(02) 9067 7100
At your local Movement Centre in Randwick, Sydney you can easily book an appointment online, call us or send us an email at info @ movementcentre.co to check how we can help you become a healthier version of you.
We have a HICAPS terminal for fast on the spot processing of private health insurance claims. Our appointments are not covered by medicare, however if you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your doctor then we can process your medicare rebate in the practice following payment of the relevant appointment fee.
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