Sports Taping
Sports Taping Physio
Sports taping is a form of therapeutic and rehabilitative taping. Sometimes as a sports taping physio when applying tape, the aim is to limit unwanted movement at a joint, other times it is to provide proprioceptive or positional support or feedback, or even offload specific anatomical structures where vulnerability has been identified.
When using sports taping techniques to limit unwanted motion at a joint the tape and techniques will be vastly different to Kinesio taping techniques, which have different thought processing and clinical reasoning behind their use.Understanding which tape and taping technique to use in what situation is a crucial skill for a sports taping physio to possess.Knowing these things will enhance the effectiveness of any treatment.As physios we are trained to assess, select, and apply the appropriate method of taping, whatever the presenting musculoskeletal condition.
Kinesio Taping As A Form Of Strapping
Typically, Kinesio taping is a form of sports taping used in treatment of muscular disorders, as well as the management of chronic swelling and lymphoedema.Kinesio taping ideally allows the wearer the ability to move through their full range of movement.It can be applied to either facilitate, strongly assist, resist, inhibit or offload tissue through its movement.
Kinesio taping can be set up to act in such a way to mimic the action of an injured tendon or muscle. As such resulting in improved biomechanical efficiency of the muscle and tendon unit, decreased workload of the muscle tendon unit, as well as improving tolerance to fatigue.By reducing tissue fatigue and workload sports taping physio using Kinesio taping can result in accelerated healing, less pain, improved tissue endurance as well as enhanced overall performance.
Different Strokes For Different Folks
As physios we a trained to have a vast array of taping methods in are arsenal.Depending on anatomical location and clinical reasoning a sports strapping physio will use not only different taping techniques and strategies but different tapes to achieve the desired outcome.Exact application will vary depending on the clinical reasoning process, which highlights why through assessment is necessary prior to employing any sports taping.

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At your local Movement Centre in Randwick, Sydney you can easily book an appointment online, call us or send us an email at info @ to check how we can help you become a healthier version of you.
We have a HICAPS terminal for fast on the spot processing of private health insurance claims. Our appointments are not covered by medicare, however if you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your doctor then we can process your medicare rebate in the practice following payment of the relevant appointment fee.
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